Credit Reports

The reports on company information in more than 230 countries in the world provides the following key data:

  • Identification: data that can be used to find a company using business registration details, legal form and address.
  • Risk assessment: a rating that can be used to understand the risk level combined with a credit limit to get further insight into company vulnerability. The Local Rating is a focal point for company and risk assessment, starting from country-based information, and avoiding standardized assessments and missing specific local characteristics.
  • Firmographics: industry code, number of employees, and all information enabling companies to be classifed.
  • Financial information: available if the legal form requires the submission of financial data, balance sheets and ratios to evaluate financial strength.
  • Negative and significant legal events: crucial to find out if information can affect risk level.
  • Historical data: changes that occurred in the past involving company management.
  • Business management: both current and past senior management.
  • Company structure and relationships: linked to legal form, these data can be used to build a map of company relationships and ownership.
  • Bank details: name, address, branch of the bank used by the company, if available.

Credit Reports are available online or can be freshly investigated, meaning that high quality information is guaranteed anywhere in the world. From instantly generated reports to those requiring additional analysis to verify and collect data due to the lack of organization of sources. Both processes are based on the SkyMinder Business Information Ecosystem, always working with the best available data.

Monitoring Services

Combined with the credit report, keeping up-to-date with what has changed in a company is the best way to prevent critical events. Thanks to SkyMinder, three solutions are available, closely linked to the different data availability and updating processes in different countries:

  • Alert: starting from a Credit Report, a brief notification is generated when a change affects a company, such as a change in the credit limit, legal form or company structure. To find out more, it is necessary to buy a new Credit Report.
  • Full Monitoring: starting from a Credit Report, a detailed notification is generated and at the same time the updated report in automatically produced.
  • Planned Revision: periodic, scheduled updating of a Credit Report. Strongly recommended when data availability and updating in some countries is not automatic and changes are only reported reactively.

Alert and Full Monitoring are available for countries where data updating is proactive, and is independent from specific requests.

Learn more about CRIF International Business Information services.
